Individual journeys
This is the start of their exciting journey while their brains are forming alongside their developing physical skills and language development. The baby room offers a homely, caring and stimulating environment where we encourage the children to become more independent and learn through play.
Every child’s journey is individual and we encourage the children to follow where their curiosity takes them with staff supporting collaborating and celebrating their successes.
We offer the children many experiences to promote curiosity, independence, critical thinking, problem solving and excitement to learn.

"The team in the baby room are so kind and supportive, providing lots of cuddles and extra care whilst our daughter settled in. Her independence and confidence has blossomed. There is a huge variety of imaginative activities for her to enjoy and she can still be sure of a lovely cuddle when she needs one."
Parent, April 2023

Bright & airy spaces
We have large bright and airy spaces for the children to become curious and make their discoveries.
Every baby has a key person who will form the initial bonds away from home. Parents are encouraged to share their routines with us so we can ensure continuity. Weaning is also done in collaboration with parents with the careful introduction of new foods as they are tried at home.
We have a robust settling and transitions to older rooms routine which are mirrored throughout the nursery and implemented at the child’s pace shortening or lengthening visits to suit their emotional acceptance of the move.